What is a Thermal Imaging Inspection?
A Thermographic Inspection is a powerful, non-destructive, non-invasive and
safe means of diagnosing, monitoring and providing immediate visual documentation
of problem areas using an Infrared Camera.
· Home Inspections
· Plumbing
· Radiant Flooring
· Walls
· Insulation |
· Electrical
· Flat Roofs
How does the thermal imaging camera work? 
The thermal camera detects thermal energy well before it can be seen with your
eyes or felt by your hand. The camera can image temperatures from -20°C
to 1200°C (-4°F to +2192°F). The thermal imaging camera converts
invisible temperature energy into a two-dimensional visual image and displays
it on the camera screen or standard monitor.
The B-200 Flir camera makes amazing temperature measurements accurate to 0.1
Deg. C. The thermal information is stored onto a disc and is later downloaded
into a computer to create your full color report.
Thermographic Inspection Areas Serviced:
Victoria, BC Thermal Imaging Inspections - Thermal imaging inspections
are available in the all areas of Greater Victoria including: Victoria, Saanich
West, Saanich East, Central Saanich, North Saanich, East Saanich, Brentwood
Bay, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, Langford, Colwood and Metchosin.
Vancouver Island Thermal Imaging Inspections - Thermal imaging inspections
are available in the following areas of Vancouver Island: Duncan, Maple Bay,
Chemainus, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Lake Cowichan, the Cowichan Valley, Crofton,
Ladysmith, Youbou, Honeymoon Bay, Saltair, Shawnigan Lake, Nanaimo, Cedar, Chase
River, Sidney, Sooke and the Greater Victoria area.